Emerging education futures: Experiences and visions from the field
We task fewer industries to think about the future than we ask from education.
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With contributions from four continents, this book reveals a ‘snapshot’ of some of our best thinking for building new education futures. Diverse experiences, visions, and ideas are shared to help spark new thinking among educators and policymakers, provoke conversation, and facilitate new ideas for meeting human development needs in a rapidly transforming world.
Book contents
Introduction to emerging education futures (John W. Moravec)
PART I: Experiences
- AI in higher education: Considering the ecosystem in an emerging-country context (Leona Ungerer)
- Transforming higher education with a focus on integration and mastery (Lisa B. Bosman, Julius C. Keller, & Gary R. Bertoline)
- Institutionalizing community engagement in higher education: The community engagement institute (Audrey Falk & Russell Olwell)
- Virtual communities of practice in the future of education (Silvia C. Enríquez, Sandra B. Gargiulo, María Jimena Ponz, & Erica Elena Scorians)
- It’s all in the approach: Transforming education for all (Robert Thorn)
- A heutagogical approach to rheology (Erling N. Dahl, Einar N. Strømmen, & Tor G. Syvertsen)
PART II: Visions & ideas
- Does the future need schools? What is education really for? (John W. Moravec & Kelly E. Killorn)
- Affordances of pedagogy (Pekka Ihanainen)
- Multiliteracies dynamic affinity spaces: Analysing the potential of a new framework to educate for Knowmad Society (Stefania Savva)
- Reimagining teacher training: Building an innovative pathway from the lifelong learning and knowmad professional profiles (Gabriela Carreño Murillo)
- REI School: A school to fit any child (Erik Miletić)
Appendix – Manifesto 15: Evolving learning
266 pages
ISBN: 978-0-578-58059-3
Published October 21, 2019 by Education Futures, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Book design by Martine Eyzenga (diezijnvaardig.nl); Cover photo by Thomas Stephan on Unsplash; Illustration on pp. 140-141 by Zoe Moravec.
How to cite this book:
Moravec, J. W. (Ed.). (2019). Emerging education futures: Experiences and visions from the field. Minneapolis: Education Futures.